
Price: Sold Out


With aquarium by Rauschfaktor, elektrolux presents the debut album of a new project by ŮNN producer frank rŮckert with his partner marcus schmahl. rauschfaktor is already known for their fantastic fresh videos for flowmotion, the new chill out tv program on hessen tv, presented by elektrolux. now they have finally finished their first full length album which is a relaxing audio experience and features mainly ambient and listening orientated tunes with some electro beats and even retro sequences. as rauschfaktor understands themselves as a multi media music project they have in the meantime worked on their live setup and had several impressive live appearances with more to follow...

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1 Aufzug
2 Nebel
3 Zeitsprung
4 Farbton, Der
5 Aquarium Cafe
6 Schildkroeteninsel
7 Werde Ich Traeumen?
8 Funkstille
9 Aequator
10 Am Horizont
11 Eisplanet
12 Panoramadrama
13 Windstille
14 Der Sonnensegler
15 Tief
16 Schutzatmospaehre
17 Hoehenluft

written and produced by Frank Rueckert and Marcus Schmahl


RAUSCHFAKTOR - Aquarium Remixes E.P.