INDEX ID - Schlafphase

Price: Sold Out


The new Elektrolux release Schlafphase marks the debut album of Index ID, the solo project of german producer Ralf Uhrlandt. As known only to a small well informed circle of music lovers, Uhrlandt has performed live as one part of Der dritte Raum as well as produced remixes for artists like Lavalounge. With simple, clear and minimal ingredients, Index ID creates a unique universe of sound and an emotional athmosphere, making the listener feel safe and secure. The hypnotic vibe of the music is irresistible and makes it another true Elektrolux classic! Schlafphase marks the debut album of Index ID, the solo project of german producer Ralf Uhrlandt, known as part of Der dritte Raum. The hypnotic vibe and emotional atmosphere of this album is irresistible and makes it another true Elektrolux!

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1 Federflug
2 Basis kanal
3 Kontinental
4 Spektral
5 Nachtexpress
6 Talfahrt
7 Raumzentriert
8 Reise
9 Zwischenstop
10 Schlafphase
11 Morgentau


1 Federflug
2 Basis Kanal
3 Kontinental
4 Raumzentriert

5 Talfahrt
6 Nachtexpress
7 Reise
8 Zwischenstop

written and produced by Ralf Uhrlandt, track 5 by Ralf Uhrlandt, Ralf Gehrle


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    Sold Out    
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