INSECT JAZZ - Hum & Buzz

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Hum and Buzz', that's atmospheric chirping and buzzing from all sorts of creepy crawlies mingled with myriads of electronic sounds and juicy 303-basslines. The innovators behind Insect Jazz are Mike Knapp a.k.a. X-Pando from L.A. and dr. scissors. In L.A., Knapp runs one of the biggest analogue-museums in the world. There's literally no analogue music-machine, which Mike doesn't have. 'Hum and Buzz' is the result of a three month-session in L.A. during which Mike Knapp and dr. scissors connected all sorts of equipment to magically create theirfuturistic music. Insect Jazz is influenced by the Pacific Ocean, L.A.'s funky jazzy vibe and the European tradition of electronic music. A true gem.

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1 Prophetual Insection
2 Insect Jazz
3 Hubl Bubl Insect
4 Digital Wolfdrone
5 Breezer in the Green
6 Earth Pop
7 Insect Funk
8 Big Bug
9 Wildflower


1 Insect Jazz
2 Insectional Fallout
3 Hubl Bubl Insect
4 Digital Wolfdrone
5 Wildflower
6 Earth Pop - Groove
7 Big Bug
8 Insect Funk

written and produced by Xpando, Dr.Scissors