Z-PLANE - Variegation

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The grooviest music can be produced with few instruments, for Z-Plane from Munich this is a long-time fact. Earthy percussions, dry 808-beats and relaxed melodies arise from a laid back elektro-mix which makes moving on the floor as exciting as in bed. Z-Plane is the Munich house-DJ PUFO and his partner Peter Winkelmann. For years, Winkelmann produced music in his private studio which was not for public ears. His friend PUFO persuaded him to produce some music under the name of Z-Plane. Success came immediately. In the UK, Z-Plane are getting a heavy response.

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1 Smokey
2 Arc of a Diver
3 Sky Fields
4 Troubled Waters
5 Chillin' on a Lama
6 Slow down Sundown
7 Waterworld
8 On a Journey


1 Smokey
2 Arc of a Diver
3 Sky Fields
4 Troubled Waters
5 Chillin' on a Lama
6 Slow down Sundown
7 Waterworld
8 On a Journey

written and produced by PUFO, Peter Winkelmann